I was hired to illustrate this mix of picture book and chapter book Duas Ilhas (“Two Islands”) by the award winning writer Guilherme Semionato published by FTD.
“Two Islands” is a delicate story is born from the friendship between a boy and a volcano. João lives on Green Island with his mother, a biologist, and his father, an aviator. In his interactions with them and in his friendship with Mr. Alberto, a ninety-year-old gardener, the boy learns to love the things of the sky, the sea, and the earth, especially the Green Volcano.
One day, João’s father disappears into the skies, and a slight tremor indicates that the volcano has awakened. What a mystery…
ClientFTD EducaçãoServicesillustrationTeamGraphic Design: Camila Catto e Estúdio Arquivo